Weekly Praise Thread – 15 July 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. My mattress arrived yesterday and God I forgot how it’s like to wake up without my whole body complaining!

    Was stressed tf out yesterday and basically this whole week. Video called my mom and my siblings and yell-talked about all of it and more and I felt so much better! I’m really grateful for all of them. Especially my mom, she’s a godsend, I wouldn’t wish to have been anybody else’s child. We went through a really really rocky road when I was growing up and I’m glad I tried to communicate with her instead of cutting her out, I’m glad she worked on listening etc etc.

    I got a paper back from a prof and got a nice comment! It feels good having the work you put into something be recognized. Super motivated rn to write and put the effort I want to put into all the midterm coursework i have due rn.

  2. very annoying, noisy, bully coworker is going back to their home country for the next 3 weeks. I will revel in the blessed silence that their absence will bring.

    put very prominently (like at the very top, set off with those ※ marks Japanese people love) in my fresh dating profile that I ain’t having kids (thanks to the discussion in my complaint thread post), and to my surprise, I’m still getting a deluge of likes. granted, they’re skewing older, like 50s old, but there are guys in their 30s and 40s as well. and while I probably won’t follow up with the really old guys, I will bask in the attention as the ossan-loving hoe that I am

  3. Today is my last day of work! I’ve been burnt out for the better part of a year, so it’s nice to see the end finally here. I’ve got about 2 more weeks until I’m moving back home.
    I’ve been getting pretty sentimental about this subreddit. Everyone’s helped me so much from reading my complaints, answering my questions, etc. I’m truly going to miss this sub when I leave. It became such a big part of my Japan experience.

  4. Managed to make it home safely for a couple weeks vacation. Going to enjoy being around family and getting fattened up.

  5. The past weeks has been tough with IVF process and what feels like hundreds of meds and progesterone injections to my body (I even got severe hives, must be because my body got angry with sudden wave of hormone), 採卵 operation was demm painful, but the nurses keep telling me I was so good at handling pain, even much better than most of japanese women. At this point I don’t care if it’s tatemae or pure praise so I chuckled with pride and tears on bed after op done.

    Aand as if it is a reward for the pain, I got PS5 with smooth short queue process at YodoCam! Can’t wait to play Horizon game soon.

    *edit: btw any of you in Osaka interested to go to Maroon5 concert? Just registered for lottery but who knows i can find nakama here 😁

  6. The 100-kai no Uchi series of books is really cute and well written for a children’s book.

  7. Found out I’m gonna have the house to myself for a week or so next month (with a work trip sandwiched in there, unfortunately) so I can go full goblin mode for a while.

    Won a grant to host a workshop with money from the university later this year. It’ll be a little extra work but overall good for me career-wise.

    Got a late fathers’ day gift (since I was traveling for the actual day) of real cheese from Okinawa and it’s amazing.

  8. Got my PCR test yesterday so I can go to Korea tomorrow. I got it done in Shimbashi, 3500 yen for PCR and certificate including my passport number. I believe it’s free if you live in Tokyo but I don’t. Still, some places are still charging 30000 yen for PCRs so I’ll take it!

    While I was there, I got some spicy ramen with double chashu and coriander topping at my favorite ramen place in Tokyo. Delicious

  9. I missed lightening shows when I lived in the UK. It was fun sitting on the sofa and watching the sky last night.

  10. – No nasty headache today! Had it almost all day yesterday
    – looking forward to the 3-day weekend

  11. Went to the movies to watch Thor on saturday and as i was about to enter the theatre a random japanese guy taps me on my shoulder and gives me my wallet that had inadvertantly slipped out of my pocket. Thanks random Japanese guy!!!!!!!!

  12. One more week of Monday and Friday classes, so the week after is a 4-day weekend. Wish I had that schedule all year round. Fucking tired of my apathetic students this year who won’t even respond to games.

    Also, more vindication than praise, but it felt somewhat satisfying to watch cops ignore my pasty ass and go after an old Japanese dude to search his bag.

  13. My sorta big-ticket items on Mercari both sold this month with zero issues, a load off my mind.

  14. Yeah man, I’m rich an extra 50man in the bank. Checks mail box, health insurance came. Yeah man, I’m solvent got an extra 3man in the bank. Could be worse.

  15. Two weeks back in the gym after a two and a half year pandemic kettlebell home training marathon. I deadlifted 135 kg for 5 sets of 3 like it was butta baby. The old dude who works at the gym filmed my last set of four for me. Thank you old dude. I should be back to my pre pandemic 150 deadlift in a month and change and then I can continue towards my goal of 180.

  16. Down 8 lbs so far! Deleted Ubereats and stopped feeling sorry for myself. My waist and wallet are thanking me. I don’t see a difference yet but I can feel my stomach not feel as bloated as before when I wear jeans. Still got a long ways to go (10 lbs to 1st goal—20lbs overall) but I’m proud of myself.

    Also finally going to Shizuoka tomorrow. It’s gonna be a washout but I’m still excited. Husband and I are spending the night and it’s the first mini vacation we had together since we got married in April.

  17. My visit to the psychiatrist in Osaka went really well. I started back on my medication and while itll take a while to stabilise, I’m already feeling better.

    Also booked tickets to watch the Osaka symphony in august. Anyone know what the dress code is? I’d love to rock up in a tuxedo. But it’s probably a bit more casual.

  18. I got some concrete praise from my main martial arts teacher. It’s a rare spice he likes to hoard and only sprinkle on occasion. I needed it this week, didn’t expect it, and it came yesterday. So I’m very pleased with myself and my progress recently.

    And I’m preparing myself to go another half year or so without major positive feedback.

  19. My recent weight measurements were waaay off due to having too many sushi in a single day.

    Now it seems to have normalized back to pre-sushi weight which is a relief. I’ve lost about 2 kg since I began counting in April!

  20. Well, my long shot attempt to switch from one direct hire job to another paid off and got all the hankos and stamps from higher ups in order this week. Small pay cut but new opportunity has a lot of positives, so I’m excited! Coincidently, wife also got offered a promotion this week!

    I spend all morning digitizing my personal budgeting notebook, and then turned it into fancy graphs to track/visualize our habits. Really informative and useful!

    Plus, I have lost a few kilos lately, but this is the first week I put on a shirt and really noticed a difference! Now time to avoid my annual summer ice cream binge lol.

    Going to spend the night catching up on The Boys. It’s absolutely gruesome this season.

  21. I discovered this candy bar at a supermarket near my work. It’s called [Sequoia](https://i.imgur.com/vH7V5Nm.jpg). It reminds me of a Twix bar, but smaller and with less caramel. But, still, it’s pretty great, especially since they are only 30 yen each.

    My wife said they are old people candy, and that’s why you can’t find it anywhere. No one wants to eat it except old people. Are you serious? It’s delicious. People are insane. If you see these, try them!

  22. I bought a watermelon straberry zero sugar coke and it only faintly tastes like someone that went to a maid cafe spit in my face

  23. Home computer choked on some Windows update—some parts of the thing are literally from the last century—just before I was supposed to be monitoring an online exam, but I pulled out an old 32-bit Sony Viao laptop with Puppy Linux on it and could get going with the monitoring. Lord only knows what the Windows update problem was, but booting into Safe Mode fixed it.

  24. Thank you God for Lawson! I’m glad that I’m able to make cute stickers for my friends for cheap. Also I tried UMAI stick today and wow!
    Also, thank you for Japanese laundry detergent. Strong stuff!

  25. I went to the dentist and everything went well. The doctor made the tooth filling right away and now its great. Good doctor.

  26. Found that my 720p TV doesn’t look too bad connected to my laptop. But now I’m looking for a gaming setup. I thought I’d start with a barebones pc, no graphics card. But I don’t know where to find one and I’m not confident enough in my technical skills to buy the parts separately 😭

  27. Bit the bullet and bought a top of the line front loading washing machine. It takes a while to do the whole cycle, but I buried my face into a hot, good smelling towel the first time in so many years. So soft…

  28. I managed to eat a full meal for the first time in weeks. Natsu-bate has been kicking my ass.

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