Searching a way to automate example sentences generation

Hi everyone, while I was playing a videogame I noted down several words that I didn’t know (100+ words), I didn’t transcribe the whole sentences because it would have slowed me down while playing the game. So now I have a list of 100+ words that I would like to add on Anki, but I’d really like to have an example sentence for each word.

So my question is: do you guys know if there is a site / program / anki plugin / browser extension or anything really that can take a list of words as input and return an example sentence for each word as the output?

I ask this because going to a site that provides example sentences and looking up one word at a time would take me a lot of time, I would like to know if there is a way to speed up this process.

Thank you in advance!

Edit: With sentence generation I don’t mean generation as in “sentence created on the spot”, I mean an automated way that takes sentences from a pool of example sentences, as in a site, program etc. Sorry for my english.

  1. I’ve not tried it, but how do you try ChatGPT? For example, “Create a Japanese sentence using the following word list. The words in the list are wrapped with [], and separated with a comma. [こんにちは,またね]”

    Good luck~

  2. What I do is check on (a database of a lot of web novels from narou) and look at some example sentences that I find are “readable” to me (so like.. simple and immediate and don’t have a lot of words I don’t know). On top of that, I also have an iframe panel in my anki cards that embeds the massif page itself into my cards so I can see a list of sentences that I can consult when I review my cards. You can do something like that with the code:

    <iframe src=”{{Word}}” style=”width: 100%;” height=”600″></iframe>

    where {{Word}} is the field in your card that has the word you want.

    Note: this requires having an internet connection when you do your anki reviews

  3. I am unsure about generating example sentences easily but you can grab text from screenshots even if you’re not playing on PC easily enough with simple OCR software. Check it for mistakes but it can be quite reliable. I have used this method to make the Anki cards.

  4. Jisho has at least one sentence example for most words I’ve looked up there. Just search the word with the hashtag “sentence” Not sure if they’d suit what you’re looking for as I don’t use them like that, most seen pulled from tatoeba

  5. Suggesting this just as an idea, but if you had time to create sentences that might be super helpful. I’ve been wanting to do something like that but just haven’t gotten around to it. Even if the sentences aren’t perfectly correct, you would at least still more than likely memorize the word. Kinda like when you are making flash cards for a class and by the time you are done you don’t even need them because just by writing it down you’ve memorized it.

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