Timeline for NON-JET jobs?

Hi, I’m unlikely to be able to apply for JET properly due to not being able to get a statement of Physician sorted in time.

I’m well aware that JET is the best of all the Japanese TEFL options. But assuming I can’t go that route, when should I start looking at applying for all the other dispatch companies? I’ve contacted both Nova and Interac and both essentially told me I was too early and to re-apply next year.

I don’t graduate my University until June so this is all aiming for a September-ish departure. Is there a “Golden month” before then that all the dispatch companies look for their years employees all at once?


  1. Have you looked into Aeon? Unless things have drastically changed, it’s much better than Nova or dispatch.

  2. The big starting months for ALT dispatch are April (new school year), September (replacements and takeover contracts), and a lesser degree January (holiday dropouts)

  3. If you want to get the most out of your time in Japan, dont rush or take second best becasue you are impatient.

  4. JET is the only mock teaching job that won’t make you broke. The other ALT jobs, as well as eikaiwa, won’t pay you enough to cover all your expenses. You are going to have to cover the costs of moving and setting up a life in a new country. Plane tickets, apartment fees, establishing new utilities, new furniture, new household appliances, clothing, local transportation and many other things will have to be paid for in your first month and none of the “teaching” jobs aside from Jet will help you pay for those things.

  5. Be patient. I got wait-listed my first year and it sucked to wait til the second time around. But I’m super glad I waited for JET and all the support (and cash) that comes with it. I got in my second year applying and it was life-changing.

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