Greater Tokyo Area, Japan

Greater Tokyo Area, Japan

  1. This picture is shot @ an angle – the *only* spot where you can see 20ft above the ground, has trees. You could also say ‟look at tokyo – no cars! no people!”. Sensationalist photo.

    No, you wont see trees if you can not see below 4th story windows. Those HUGE trees have to be trimmed so they do not fall in storms.

    THAT SAID – Bloomburgs ’million tree’ initiative coincided with increasing property values. Cornell ran the numbers for specific Manhattan avenues, and the surface area of leaves helps keep pollution out of the air. Provide more shade & reduce AC costs.

    I’ve noticed the people who rave about Tokyo…are not the ones’ who join me for hikes & bike rides & nature & exercise. Its a gigantic sprawl which usually gets a ‟pass” when we complain about the bad parts of sprawl. Those subway commuters never do look like they have the best lot in life. Especially the 51% born under a very thick glass ceiling.

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