Emergency grants from Municipal City Halls

I was curious to see how many others over the past few months had received a letter from their Municipal city hall offering a lump sum of some type of ‘hardship payment’ into your bank account (to cover for things such as fuel and grocery price increases due to covid) I have seen plenty of different news articles over the past few months regarding this, and in each case it seems these payment amounts vary greatly depending on which city you located (registered). I myself received one of these, which I registered for and was recently deposited (10,000 yen). I was interested to see (from whoever wants to share), how the payment amounts vary over the different prefectures.

  1. We got a couple vouchers for our local businesses.

    Cash would’ve nice, but the vouchers are for grocery stores (AEON included) and local shops that I shop at anyway, so I guess that works too. I think it totaled to about 7500 yen.

    Better than nothing I suppose.

  2. Early in the year my municipality sent 100,000 to me for Covid relief. Which honestly saved my ass since my company doesn’t pay for the month of august when school is out.

  3. I got one of these adding up to 1,000,000 yen. Gets paid back over the course of 10 years no interest. I was in a super shitty spot a while ago and this helped me get through it. I have a job and stuff now so it’s all good.

  4. Ridiculous. There is no such thing as ‘free money’. People who work hard will have to foot the bill for the welfare scrounger community as usual.

    There are plenty of ways to earn extra money without being a freeloader.

  5. The guberment decided to give “families” a lump sum payment for covid relief about 8 months ago. Local companies got mad that they didn’t get the money and made a big stink. This led to the gubers up in the big guberment coming up with the idea ‘let the towns decide how to distribute it”. Na, nothing sketchy will happen in a nation renowned for institutional corruption. In the end we got everything from a lump sum payment to coupons depending on what town you live in.

  6. I read about it for families making a certain income in the news, so it doesn’t affect me. I got the letter from my city in the early part of the pandemic for 100,000, which everyone got in 2020. My prefecture gave a one-time hazard pay bonus during covid to essential worker teachers for 70,000 last year. My boss applied for it and we got it several months later. I haven’t heard any new payments lately.

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