What issues do you find with Japanese dictionary apps?

I have to create a program for a project and I was thinking of creating a Japanese dictionary + kanji app or some app like Anki. However, I need to make my program different from other apps already online so please give me suggestions.

  1. It would be useful to have a full dictionary and an “Anki” in the same app. Everytime I looked up for a new word, the app would give me the option to add it in my deck. Since this was probably your first idea anyway, I’m here just to say that I would happily download it.

    If you wanted to be really great, there could be an option to write the words with your finger instead of typing them. Anki doesn’t have that, so for studying Kanji I am obliged to use a different app.

  2. This wonderful app already exist but is not maintained for years. I use it everyday (mainly for the dictionary which has a very good design and completely ads free) but it has also a card system. [https://mynameisflemming.com/index.php?id=21](https://mynameisflemming.com/index.php?id=21)

    I use the pkg to install it on my phone (not in store anymore) and I am always afraid that the new android version wont support it. Apps with the same name exist on iphone but it is not as good.

    Maintaining/improving this app could be your project ??

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