Seven versions of okonomiyaki to feature at G-7 summit

Seven versions of okonomiyaki to feature at G-7 summit

  1. Excerpt from the linked content:^1

    >A typical Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki involves layering wheat flour, cabbage, yakisoba noodles, pork and other ingredients that are cooked on an iron plate. The finished product is then doused in sauce and other toppings as per the diner’s choice.

    >One world leader is already known to be a staunch Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki fan — this year’s summit head, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

    >With his constituency in the prefecture, Kishida’s favorite food is purported to be his wife Yuko’s take on the staple.

    >At an event held in late February, the Oconomiyaki Academy in Hiroshima, formed by restaurants serving the pancakes, debuted its seven variations for the seven industrialized nations, devised based on the results of a questionnaire filled in by respondents including foreign residents and international students in the area.

    >The academy says it hopes the recipes, which it has already distributed to its around 250 member eateries, will leave such an impression on attendees from participating countries that they will consider recreating them at home.

    ^1 Kyodo News, 5 Mar. 2023,

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