Permanent Visa and Work

I’m currently in the middle of processing my permanent VISA and quitting work but I was advised by a friend that I shouldn’t quit work while processing my permanent visa because it won’t look good and should just change careers AFTER I received my permanent VISA instead but I feel like I couldn’t last in this company with its minimal pay and people.

Does anyone have any experience with this situation? Is me not being signed into a company really ruin my chances of getting the permanent VISA?

Note: I will not be jobless because I will be pursuing my side gig instead since I’m making more money from it than my 9-5 already.

Thank you.

Update: I meant permanency residence card and I’m in the middle of collecting the documents and I possess a spouse VISA. THANK YOU everyone for your helpful responses.

  1. By permanent VISA do you mean PR? Are you in the middle of preparing documents, or in the middle of waiting for results? There are plenty of unknowns in your question it’s hard for us to understand what your situation is atm.

  2. Depends on what route your PR is being processed as.

    If you are applying via the spouse route, having permanent work isn’t a requirement so quitting work entirely wouldn’t affect the process.

    If you are applying for PR via the work route, being steadily employed IS a requirement so you should have another job at least lined up within reasonable time of quitting the first one.

  3. If you’ve already submitted your PR application then you should have also submitted the “letter of understanding” ( with it.

    This means you have declared to immigration that you will update them should you have a change in your circumstances, such as quitting/leaving your job.

    Also if you’re currently on a work then you need to notify them anyway:


  4. Don’t make any big changes until your PR is approved, then you can do whatever you want.

  5. >Does anyone have any experience with this situation? Is me not being signed into a company really ruin my chances of getting the permanent VISA?

    in general, yes

  6. Further to others’ excellent responses, don’t rock the boat until your PR status of residence has been approved.

    Bear in mind that PR is a separate “track” to your current status of residence.

    If you are currently on a work visa of some type, you would still need to inform immigration when you change the contracting organisation; which may in turn trigger requests for new documents if/when the person processing your PR case finds out.

    Immigration have a hardon for stability, and taxes, so wait until you have PR before doing anything that makes you look unstable.

  7. There seems to be quite a few people posting here about quitting jobs without securing new jobs first; or in the middle of visa applications and so on. I understand there are some shitty jobs in Japan, but a few months of clocking into a shitty job seems like the better alternative to becoming unemployed or jeapordising things that have long-term consequences.

  8. If you’re pursuing side gig, as in not working full time anymore, I suggest you wait until the PR results are out. It’s quite a huge risk in the eyes of immigration. Permanent employee is always seen as less risk here, hence a better chance to pass the application.

    FYI, I changed job during my PR application period, I did notified my change of employer to the immigration, and I still got my PR. But it was full-time to another full-time similar job.

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