A personal bank loan for foreigners when you don’t have PR

Hi! I am a researcher at a Japanese university with a Professor visa. I got a job offer in a research institute. I plan to start in April. I don’t have enough savings for relocation and renting an apartment. I was planning on applying for loans. I found out only Line pocket money service can give such loans to foreigners.

Does anyone have experience with that? Or is there any other option available?

  1. Any of the large research institutions offer moving cost assistance. (理化学研究所/国立がんセンター/国立感染症研究所 have all offered in my experience). Usually they also offer rent assistance up to 4-5万円 per month. This is a 在宅手当 so it’s on top of your salary. Be sure to ask them about it before you get a loan on your own!

  2. Loans are generally tough to get if you don’t have PR, especially if the payment period is longer than your visa expiration date. It can be easier if you have a Japanese national as a cosigner.

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