Fishing Sagami Bay and in general.

Hello everyone,

I’m about to move to Sagamihara next year, and I was curious if there’s good fishing along the coast of Sagami Bay? Seems like any time I google it, all I can get are fishing charters, but I just want to take my rod and reel to a pier, dock, or beach, and cast out. Fishing is my biggest hobby, and I’d love to continue doing it while I’m living in Japan.

I’m coming from the US East coast, where I do a ton of surf fishing in Florida, New Jersey and Virginia Beach. Anyone familiar with the differences? I’m not likely to get a boat in Japan, so boat fishing is kind of off the table. Unless boat prices are cheaper in Japan than the US haha.

Outside of fishing in Sagami Bay, are there any other areas in that region that might be worth a visit for fishing? I’m going to be in Japan for a minimum of three years, so I’ll have plenty of time to hit up the good spots.

I’m also curious as to what kind of fish a shore fisherman such as myself might hope to catch in the area.
Thanks in advance!

  1. Unless it’s expressly forbidden, shore fishing is allowed. Just take a week and drive around in the mornings, you’ll see where all the spots are.

    If this is going to be your hobby, you really need to get your Japanese up. Fishermen aren’t the most cosmopolitan people, they usually don’t speak English.

    Re: fishing spots, a quick google search shows that river fishing is popular in the area

    As for what kind of fish, I think you can catch mackerel in most places, cutlass fish too.

  2. A thing of note: Sagamihara is pretty far from Sagami Bay and there’s no direct public transportation between the two. If you plan to go fishing in the bay, a car is the easiest way to do it.

    People also fish along the Sagami river, which is a proper river people boat in.

    Most people fish along the river or off certain parts of the bay where the river opens to the ocean.

    Otherwise the actual coast line is shallow beach, and you’d need a boat to actual get far enough out to fish.

    Source: I live directly south of Sagamihara on the coast.

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