How to best transition from Wanikani to RTK?

I’ve realised that I’d much prefer to learn Kanji by going through RTK and then simply learning vocab and reading a lot in order to internalise the readings. I’m currently on LVL 8 in WaniKani, but have already familiarised myself with the radicals up to LVL 30.

There’s a lot of overlap between the WK radicals and the RTK primitives, but there are also a lot of diverging ones. Should I try to relearn all those primitives, or simply stick to the WK radical names and write my own stories?

Is there anything else that I should take into account in this process?

Looking forward to your suggestions.

  1. If I was going to learn kanji again I’d just do something quick and easy like the RRTK 450 deck and then only learn words afterwards. The benefit of doing more RTK than this is quite limited unless you want to be able to write kanji. And if you are doing something short like the 450, it really doesn’t matter much if you have to relearn a few primitive names or not.

  2. >or simply stick to the WK radical names and write my own stories?

    RTK’s end goal is for you to make up your own stories anyway, so you can just do that.

    If you want access to shared mnemonics online however (like kanji koohii), it would benefit to use the RTK radical names.

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