first time using paidy

hello! first-time poster here on this sub. so, i recently made a purchase on amazon (nothing pricey, something less than ¥5000) and i ended up creating a paidy account for my order as my usual MOP option of “convenience store payment” is not available (i don’t own a card or mobile carrier billing—i don’t usually buy stuff online and my parents told me that i can’t have any of those until i’ve graduated and gotten a full-time job).

i’ve read the paidy details from both amazon and the paidy app itself but i’m not exactly well-versed with these other payment options so please excuse me if i’m asking a stupid question, but is my understanding right that i will receive the billing for my amazon order through email/SMS by next month and it is by then that i’ll be able to pay for the order that i made (by the 10th of the said month)? because thing is i’m currently not seeing any billing details on my app (after i made my order) and it’s just making me a little worried if i messed up or something. if my understanding is right, then this means that i won’t see my billing details ‘til next month?

and a little follow-up question: i will be out of the country for 2 months which means that i won’t be in japan to personally pay my billing on the due date. i plan to leave my jp sim and paidy account details to a trusted family member for the time being so they can proceed with the process in my stead. as long as they have the necessary information, would this arrangement be alright?

thanks so much in advance!

  1. You will receive a sms on the number you registered with and an email on the email address you registered with from paidy just before the month is finished. They will then tell you to pay by the 10th of the next month. So if you buy something in February you have to pay by March 10th.

    They send you a guide on how to use the machine in the conbini that will give you a barcode ticket for the staff to scan and then pay. It will be about 300¥ added on.

    Anyone can pay it, and you don’t need to give them the SIM card. Just tell them the numbers that paidy send you later

  2. Paidy takes the payments directly from my bank account when I use it. I’m guessing you didn’t have to register a bank account to use it for your purchase.

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