Looking for a designated driving school where I can do the tests in English

So from what I’ve understood is that with designated schools, you give the final practical exam with the school itself and that makes it much easier to pass. English driving schools outright seem to be few, booked up, and expensive.

I’ve decided to go to a Japanese designated driving school but hope to take the written tests in English. I also would like the school to have some basic level of English support such as providing the textbooks in English for example. Or what my friend told me is that for the lessons they teach, they have videos with English subtitles available to watch. I’m not sure if that’s there with all Japanese driving schools.

My budget is 300,000 yen although I can possibly stretch it to 350,000 if the school provides an accommodation option. Are there any schools in Tokyo or even Japan that would fill my criteria which you can recommend?

  1. Koyama Driving School would be your best bet. However, I’m not sure if your budget aligns with their pricing.

  2. I did it at a regular Japanese school, but took all the formal tests in English, so it’s an option. There are English test questions and instruction booms you maybe could get to do some self-studying to complement what you don’t completely get?

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