First time making sushi, would love some advice and recommendations on knives! Also would love to know what everyone’s favorite toppings are on their sushi, I’d love to try some new things :)

First time making sushi, would love some advice and recommendations on knives! Also would love to know what everyone’s favorite toppings are on their sushi, I’d love to try some new things 🙂

  1. For knifes I don’t use anything fancy just make sure it’s sharp as hell and when your cutting I usually wet the knife so it doesn’t stick when cutting through

    My favorite ingredient is definitely Salmon and Red Tuna/ red snapper ahhh heck it’s all good I can’t just pick a few 😀

    Favorite topping definitely tempera love it specifically for the little bit of crispy texture it adds!

    *** Forgive me for any spelling/ grammar, punctuation mistakes I do not English very well:)

  2. Awesome first go at it! This looks tasty! My main suggestion would be to use about half as much rice as you did in this roll.

    I always wipe my knife with a damp towel between cuts to keep it clean, and when I do inside out rolls with toppings, I put a piece of plastic wrap on the outside to help keep toppings in place while cutting.

    As for fillings, I make a lot of veggie rolls for my veg friends with combos of the following: tempura sweet potato, tempura broccoli, pickled daikon, pickled burdock, pickled garlic, jalapeños, roasted eggplant, avocados, green onion, cucumbers.

  3. Yum that looks good. I like a ceramic knife. And as someone else said, wet it first so it doesn’t stick.

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