Todai or Keio?

Hi, I’m planning on doing a MA in media/communication (as I’m doing a degree in media management rn and the scholarship program requires me to study in a similar field). Which one of those universities would be better? I looked at the Global Society program and KMD, both seem interesting. Here’s my question – which uni would be better? Especially english- and overall education-wise?

I’m aware that Keio is a bit further out, and that’s one of the downsides for me, though I’m open to having my mind changed 🙂 Plus I’m worried about the availability of the dorms, as I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to afford anything else (and I would like to avoid long commuting times if possible, I feel like 1,5-2h long rides in one direction in a train would be such a waste of time and money), and Keio seems to have more options (although a bit more expensive and remote than the dorms at the Komaba Campus).

Which one of those two would you recommend? Or would you go for something else (maybe Waseda?)?

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