Aircon service or installation company recommendations

I’m looking for recommendations on a Aircon service or installation company that can give an offer on resealing the hole in the wall for some Aircon cables come in the house.

Recently i noticed that the hole in the wall around the Aircon cables is not properly sealed, does anyone have reconditions for above?

my Japanese suck so i do not know what to search for in Japanese, any good words to recommend?

Edit: location is Tokyo

1 comment
  1. > Recently i noticed that the hole in the wall around the Aircon cables is not properly sealed

    What do you consider “properly sealed”? Usually they just [fill the space with putty]( If the putty has shifted, just move it back. If it’s very old, buy some new putty and replace it. There’s nothing a repairman is going to do other than that.

    Edit: If you *really* want a recommendation for a company to do it, you need to add a location.

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