Working in Japan

My girlfriend and I want to move to Japan, we’ve been looking at the Ōsaki area, we were curious about how hard it would be to get a job as a foreigner, even something is food service or working at a grocery store, nothing fancy. Thank y’all!

  1. >even something is food service or working at a grocery store, nothing fancy

    There are no visas for working at a grocery store.

    Based on your profile, you’re an American. As such, there are also no visas for food service.

    Also: Next time you’re asking serious questions, maybe use an account you don’t also use for porn.

    You can’t just up and move to Japan. You need a degree and a job offer to get a visa. Try reading [the visa wiki](

  2. Unfortunately for you and your girlfriend,Japan wants people with bachelor’s degrees or hire as a requirement to get a visa. It’s best to come here single as Gaijin anyway or at least be in a relationship with a Japanese. Lot’s of Gaijin couples end of breaking up here or getting divorced due to one of them or both not being able to take life here.

  3. you can’t “just move there” and then figure it out. you need a work visa, and you’re unlikely to get it without an existing career in one of a few specific areas like it/programming, unless you go to a trade school in japan or something. check the wiki on /r/movingtojapan

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