A Japanese housewife loses her life savings to a man pretending to be a K-pop idol

A Japanese housewife loses her life savings to a man pretending to be a K-pop idol


  1. I kind of expected to see a lot of people blaming this housewife on Japanese social media platforms… instead of blaming this Japanese con man who’s conned so many Japanese women and made tons of money.

    But to my surprise, there were comments like “It’s her money. She has the right to spend it in any way she wants.” lol

  2. “Her” life savings … lol.

    Also, is she just pissed off because the guy isn’t Korean? Is he really conning people? The article makes it sound like he was actually doing shows … who cares if he is actually Korean or not.
    According to the article his flier stated he “looked like a Korean idol” .. not that he was one.

    So I didn’t trust the site the OP linked, so I found a yahoo article on it. The guy said his name was テヨン, and hey, people like to pretend. The English article said she spent 40,000yen on tickets, which is a bit misleading. Tickets were only 2,000 yen or so, she just bought a lot of them and other merchandise to get enough points to go on a date with him. Either way, I don’t really see this as a scam, as much as people willing to pay for idols to go to a cosmetic dermatologist. Either way, I spent way too much time reading about this absolute non-issue.

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