How can I approach Japanese girls in Japan for a coffee?

I feel I am quite alone here, so thinking of a dating a japanese girl. I know a little of japanese. Any tips/apps like tinder?

  1. Step 1 – Go to, find and attend the various international/language exchange parties.

    Step 2 – Go to the Hub or some other gaijin bar, find and approach girls.

    Step 3 – Utilize apps. Bumble, Tinder but only if you are super attractive, Pairs but only if you want something serious.

  2. Just ask them, “夜明けのコーヒーを一緒に飲みませんか”

    Yoake no kouhii wo issho ni nomimasen ka

  3. Because we all know that Japanese girls are not human, and thus need to be approached differently from those in any other country.

  4. Don’t approach people randomly, ever. It’s creepy.

    Use the apps: Bumble and OkCupid are better than Tinder. Pairs if you can speak Japanese.

    Or ask a friend to introduce you someone with the same intention as you.

  5. Go to a bar. A lot of people go to bars to socialise and meet people. People go to cafes more to be with their circle, do work, do study or read a book. You’d just be hassling someone who is there to type up a business report or something.

  6. Actually asking the instagram of a random girl politely might work, a lot of japanese people have asked mine and sent me texts lmao so ig that’s normal here. You can go to bar / clubs to increase your successrate. But i would say Bumble is the best dating app, people are pretty chill there compared to other ones i’ve seen

  7. お疲れ!😀✋

    If you end up scaring them then you didn’t let them see you coming first. Try the mid-rift hand wave when you start talking. (The same sort of hand gesture people use when cutting through crowds.)

  8. Posts like this remind me that some men really see women as a commodity and like an item to go out and get.

  9. Bumble:
    The most accessible. The girls here are low tier, but they speak English or are open to it. Price is also good.

    Really bad for the average guy. It is pay 2 win. Girls are much cuter on average, but more difficult to find among the bots, and algorithm. It is also essentially gambling with the shit photos they do.
    I would definitely not be using this app if I didn’t have to for work.

    Purely Japanese, but this is the most popular app. More serious, but still easy to find casual girls. Rules are strict so follow them.

    Japanese version of bumble, but actually has higher tier girls

    Shitter version of pairs. Absolutely not worth the money.

    Lowest tier girls, but if you want someone who can speak English it’s better than nothing.

    Sugar dating bait.

    Most other apps are not really worth it

    For you, I would recommend bumble and pairs.

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