so I’m in Japan and I would like to play some league with my friends. now I couldn’t bring my computer so I was wondering if there’s any cyber cafes or just any places I could play it? because when I googled it just said that most internet cafes don’t have it installed, so I don’t wanna waste my time and money going there if I won’t even be able to play.
I’m currently in Kyoto but will soon be in Tokyo, so if there’s a place anywhere around there that would be great. but even if it’s anywhere else in Japan, please let me know
is [this](https://dottours.jp/facility/?game_title=%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B1%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B0) what you are looking for, like e.g. the third entry eSPORTS CAFE AIM é«˜ç”°é¦¬å ´åº—
I’m not sure if it still works. But when I was in college I put the league client on a USB. Then ran the game off the USB. Might still work!