China warns Japan not to join U.S. efforts to contain it

China warns Japan not to join U.S. efforts to contain it

  1. “He said no country, including the United States, has the right to interfere in Taiwan affairs.” … so China should practice what they preach and stop interfering with Taiwan.

    I am sure Japan will be more friendly with China if they start acting more like a modern democracy rather than an authoritarian cesspit.

  2. i think many chinese people are probably wonderful hard working people.

    i think many chinese people are low life cheaters who would poison everyone around them for a buck.

    I think MOST chinese people are probably GREAT people.

    I think the chinese government, as weak as it is, backed by the income of 1.x billion people who DIDNT VOTE for it, is TOO much power for one blind cheating censoring government.

    Once in a while total power is a good idea. China is doing a pretty decent job but.

    You can not have a dictator control 3 billion people. 1.x is far too many as it is.

    It must be stopped.

    hopefully she she xi’s recent weaknesses are enough to spark a revolution.

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