Pet insurance

Hello everyone,
My cat is scheduled for a dental surgery this week. We had an annual comprehensive health scan including blood test, EKG, x-ray and dental check up.

His kidney values in bloodwork are slightly worse than standard, for now we will stick to Royal Canin brand, no extra 治療 necessary at this point. However, as he ages things can get worse.

Pancreas is inflamed, he’s been prescribed anti inflammatory pills.

Teeth are in really bad condition and he will have to get some of his teeth removed during this surgery under anesthesia. Because his kidneys are not in perfect condition, he will stay in ICU for a night to get kidney support..

Vet thinks he’s around 10 years old (we picked him from the street in 2016 when his previous owner dumped him in our nh)

It’s clear that from now on he will have health issues. I’d appreciate if you make recommendations considering the above info.

(Check up costed ¥48.000. Surgery will cost around 50-100.000)

  1. We had pet insurance from Rakuten when one of our dogs was diagnosed with lung cancer. It paid for most of the cost of his chemotherapy. He eventually succumbed to the lung cancer but the chemotherapy slowed the progression enough to give him a couple of extra years with us. I think there is a two month waiting period when you first sign up for pet insurance before it starts providing coverage, though, if I remember correctly.

  2. Pet insurance doesn’t cover preexisting conditions, so if you don’t already have insurance on your cat, then the insurance will not cover or pay for any of the things you listed.

  3. Beware that a lot of insurances do set a maximum age to contract. 10 years will probably leave you not much choice and you will ha e to pay a premium. Check what exactly they cover. Unlike human insurance check ups and prevention are not covered at all, also as above commenter mentioned likely known issues won’t be covered (seen this clause on most of the insurances I checked). Cool down period (period when you apply until they accept) is usually 2 months at the lowest but can take even longer as they check medical history (for 10y old car could take some time). If you have a car also check via your car insurer. It seems they cut you better deals as option to your current insurance than stand-alone insurances.

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