Have a job interview in Tokyo, nervous about moving to the country

Hi! Tried posting this in a certain other subreddit but apparently mods get flustered over a little thing.

Anyways, have a job interview via Zoom the day after tomorrow about a company dedicated to multimedia educational services, they are based in Tokyo and their name is Blued Co.

I’m not exactly sure what role I’m supposed to fill but they are expecting a multimedia designer for all their social media and someone who can fluently speak English.

Knowledge of japanese is not required but I’d like to learn it, however I’m nervous the interviewer is going to speak to me in japanese and I’m not going to know what to say.

I’m a foreigner and I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, they’re all japanese but speak English.

Any tips or someone who has been in a similar situation?

  1. ~~Are they aware you don’t speak Japanese? If they are and are still willing to interview you despite trying to look for someone fluent in Japanese then I wouldn’t worry too much and just treat it like any other interview; that seems like a good sign if they’re still willing to interview you.~~

    ~~If you haven’t told them yet, I would do that as soon as possible.~~

    *(not sure if post was edited or if I misread, but not totally relevant now)*

  2. >Any tips or someone who has been in a similar situation?

    Don’t fluster people over little things is the best advice I can give about working in Japan.

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