I am N5-N4 level, can someone breakdown this translation for me?

**Pls lmk to what JLPT level I need to be to be able to understand complex sentences like this..**


**My Thoughts:**

むら (uneven) for some reason is in katakana

酷い (extreme, very worse case)

行くな? is this the end of the 1st sentence? な is just a expression ending of the character right?

方はないが I don’t understand this 方はない part. (I have only learned, の方がいい and 方がいい for saying something is better. not sure what the definition of 方 here is..

I understand, ムラはあるが (there are some fluctuations)

but the rest… I cannot piece them together.

呪力出力は酷いと.. 一割以下 (under 10%).. まで行くな.. 肉体の動きの方はないが

[side by side translation](https://imgur.com/a/GUTwTeE)

  1. I’m not qualified to break down the Japanese, but if you post this and questions like it in the “daily questions thread” I think you’re more likely to get a friendly response.

  2. Some input from meの方means something like “concerning” in this case. Like: “concerning his body movement, it doesn’t seem like it got to the worst case yet (from previous sentence) )

    肉体の動きの方は(Concerning his body movement) **そこまで** (Implying the worst case) はないが (It hasn’t got so far to the worst case yet)

    [Look at Definition 5](https://jisho.org/search/hou) maybe you get what I mean

    I really suck at explainig this time…

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