Can anyone help me understand this Utada Hikaru song word by word? lol onegaishimasu

I’m not looking for romanji, I really want to understand what each word means lol for example, I don’t understand what 言われると means and why it’s usually translated as past tense…and what is that “to” at the end? Why is arigato in brackets? Anybody who helps me will be amazing in my eyes. I learned other languages through music but am struggling with nihongo. Domo in advance!!!!Would love to listen and really understand. I can read hiragana only so far.

The lyrics of Flavor of Life:
Flavor of life
The Flavor Of Life

じれったいのなんのって Baby
The Flavor Of Life

甘いだけの誘い文句 味気のないトーク

「さようなら」の後に消える笑顔 私らしくない
信じたいと願えば願うほど なんだか切ない
The Flavor Of Life

忘れかけていた人の香りを 突然思い出す頃
降り積もる雪の白さを もっと素直に喜びたいよ

ダイヤモンドよりも やわらかくて温かな未来 手にしたいよ
限りある時間を 君と過ごしたい

The Flavor Of Life

The Flavor of Life
When you thank me,
It somehow seems painful
And that enduring magic that comes after saying goodbye
Leaves a faint taste of the bittersweet.
This must be the flavour of life.

The space where we are neither friends nor lovers
Makes me feel like an unripe fruit dreaming to be harvested.

The way we are is aggravating, baby,
As we never seem to make any progress.

This is why thanking me
Seems to somewhat hurt
And yet the magic that comes after we say goodbye
Leaves traces of the bittersweet.
That is the flavour of life.

With only sugar-coated words and phrases,
Talking seems to have lost its taste.
I just don’t find such things intriguing.

Just because everything is falling apart,
Doesn’t make our lives any more dispensable.

Asking me “What’s the matter?” all of a sudden
Can only elicit the response, “Nothing, nothing at all.”
Yet, when the smile fades away after we have parted,
I don’t seem myself.

Wanting to believe and hoping for hope
Seems to somehow amplify the pain.
“I really like you” is better than “I love you”,
That’s more like you, isn’t it?
Such is the flavour of life.

Suddenly remembering the smell of the person you had almost put behind
Invites a joy that is more innocent than the white of fresh snow.

Devotion means more than diamonds.
I want a warm future in my hands
And in the limited time that is my life, I hope to share it with you.

Still, when you thank me,
It seems somewhat painful35
And the magic that comes after we say goodbye
Leaves traces of the bittersweet.
This is the flavour of life.

1 comment
  1. Here’s your shopping list for the first sentence, google this stuff:

    * How to use Quotes in Japanese

    * Japanese Conditionals

    * Passive Form

    * Adverbs in Japanese

    * Adjectives in Japanese

    > 「ありがとう」

    That’s just how you do quotes in Japanese. “Quotes” in English, vs 「Quotes」 in Japanese

    > 言われる

    is the passive form it’s like something is said to you…

    > 言われると

    と. This is one of your basic conditionals….if this happens then this happens

    > なんだか

    adverb, a little bit/somehow

    > 切ない

    Adjective which means painful, and you are allowed to use い adjectives like this they sort of become nouns if you stick them at the end like that

    When/If “Thank you” is said to me it is somehow a little painful.

    For the rest of this, I’d say keep this song handy and read a beginner textbook such as genki. It will be fun for you to discover how the grammar presented in the textbook applies in real-life to a song such as this. HF.

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