i totally adore this gimmick and i wish it got more time in japan before he left

i totally adore this gimmick and i wish it got more time in japan before he left

  1. i think G1 is way too stacked to include him but maybe WTL. could you imagine corrupted finjuice winning this year?

    man that entire D block last year was so fun, i was going back and watching backstage promos from those guys last night. the rise of finlay and ELP, the US title being “defended” throughout the league, ospreay finally getting it back after winning it like 2 months prior but it was by losing to finlay so it didn’t mean anything, yet another shingo/ospreay meeting. yoshi-hashi and yujiro were also there

    “yujiro will never ever beat me” – [juice robinson](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/648198406681919507/1082748715065942246/image.png)

  2. Still kinda bums me out how much Juice’s career has fizzled out post COVID. Probably more than anyone else I can think of in any promotion

  3. I haven’t watched consistently lately (I find it boring as all hell) but in AEW he still wears bullet club stuff.

  4. I’ve been feeling quite juicy lately and I stand by this post. Dude also has great taste in women. Just saying.

  5. In the states it’s very lame. His old gimmick would work better in AEW then this one. Feels to plain. He got over with his charisma and now he just doesn’t use it.

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