Visa advice ?

Hello everyone! \*I don’t know if this kind of post is suitable for the group, sorry if it’s not\*

Basically, I plan for next year to do 3 months of language school in Tokyo then follow up with a 4 to 6 months internship approved by my French university, still in Tokyo (internship in a research lab). The pb is that I have the impression that the “internship” visa only allows me to stay in Japan for the precise duration of my internship and that the WHV is not possible because I work + study more than 6 months cumulatively (and more than 28h/week during my internship).

Has anyone had this situation before and know any techniques? Would it be possible to put the internship in the “studies” category and thus be able to stay all the time with a “study” visa? I know that they apply the ruled strictly so I want to arrive at the embassy being solid.

Thank you in advance !

1 comment
  1. The internship would likely fall under a Cultural Visa and not a student visa. The 3 months of language school by itself would not be enough for a student visa (they are requiring 35 weeks of classes for that).

    A working holiday would give you up to one year in Japan and allow you to work full time. If that’s an option for you then by all means go for it. Otherwise you’d be looking at coming to Japan for 3 months for the language school, then leaving and reentering for the internship on a cultural visa. You’d need to go home for that though as you’d need to submit the visa request to a consulate that serves a country you’re a resident of. You wouldn’t be able to make a weekend trip to South Korea to use the consulate there.

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