How to deal with a “xenophobic” situation at work

Hi Everyone.

I am wondering how I should deal with a particular co-worker at work.
We are in different departments, so we almost never interact, but he says things all the time to his other Japanese co-workers when he thinks no one is around who would take offense.

Today, I happened to see a thread between him and another co-worker.

His post was like this:



Usually I just let things like this go or chock it up to not having any interactions with people of other cultures, but this was one time too many.

What would you do? How would you handle this situation?

  1. Take it up with your immediate manager. Explain the situation calmly. Be as specific as possible, but don’t air your feelings. It is also important to note the number of incidents and what was said. State firmly that this isn’t acceptable to you and that the offending party needs to be dealt with.

    Side note – what have your other coworkers said about him or his behavior? If no one does anything, they’re in the wrong as well in my opinion.

  2. Please check your HR processes. It’s maybe best to go directly to HR whilst just including your manager in CC. Depends on how your manager is, but not all can be trusted to act appropriately and anyway taking action won’t be up to them in most cases.

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