Books/material for practicing reading long passages for N1

So I took N1 last Dec and failed because I didnt have enough mental energy to read the passages.

Any books or materials you would recommend for someone preparing for N1, particularly the reading section?

Thanks in advance

  1. Where are you located? If you’re in Japan, signing up for Kumon’s 国語 course has been a big thing that’s helped me with reading stamina. I’ve been doing Kumon since I was pretty low level, but I have a friend who started Kumon shortly before his 1st N1 attempt and he said he noticed a huge improvement in his reading abilities between his first N1 attempt and his 2nd one a year later

    If you’re not in Japan, then the obvious recommendation would be to get a book and read it. A book of essays would probably be best, since that’s the type of writing the test seems to lean into. If you want something with a little more structure, I’d recommend a JHS level 国語 workbook (tbh that’s basically what Kumon is). I’ve never bought one, but here’s a [random one]( I found on Amazon

  2. 1) Literally almost any native material will do. Newspaper articles, particularly editorials, might be a good place to start.

    2) Book-wise, the first Wheel of Time novel had a lot of vocab and kanji from Nihongo Somatome, even within the first chapters.

    3) 日本語N1文法・読解まるごとマスター, to me, was particularly good.

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