JLPT N1 Study Resource Discussion

Hey everyone. I hope you are all doing well.

So I have previously attempted the N1 in December 2022 and I failed with a score of 92/180. I plan on re-taking the test in December. I’m currently using Nihongo Sou-Matome, Shin-Kanzen Master, the official JLPT tests, and Skritter. (I have previously used Anki but found that it just doesn’t work for me).

I’m trying to re-evaluate my study materials and wonder whether anyone has any suggestions for study materials that worked for them and/or Android Phone apps like Skritter that they would recommend.

  1. If you’ve dropped anki, are you using anything else for vocabulary? I looked up skritter and it seems to be a kanji app, but correct me if I’m wrong.

    I believe they say you should know close to if not more than 10.000 vocabulary for the N1 so I’d recommend checking how close you are to that in addition to what you are currently working on.

  2. • i worked on the parts i was really bad at but all it took was some intense vocabulary grinding and i was good to go , which includes a lot of reading outside of jlpt and extra material that help me read and practice japanese. I was reading novels and playing games where N1 vocab way too often sometimes.

    • if you’re using an android phone download an app called “ yomi-wa ” where you can input a desired text passage and it breaks it down for you so u dont have to look up vocabulary one by one , it helped me a lot with reading. I think similar addon called “ rikai-kun ” exists for chrome and its way more convinent , use it !

    • im not a big fan of listening to documentaries and podcasts but i did watch a lot of videos on YouTube in japanese, since the narrator usually speaks at a normal pace and most stuff comes with subs it’s really useful for building up a listening habit.

    • For vocabulary grinding i had used 耳から覚える日本語能力試験n1 which comes with audio and a much better format than the stuff I’ve read other than it like the vocabulary books by shinkanzen bros

    • look up on YouTube for some n1 strategies that may help you pass the test because i did and they were gold , learn from experienced people online and see what fits you the best

    • for Grammar i had used the TRY N1 book , really nice if you want some quick practice and little explanations

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