Caught these spot prawns myself in the Puget sound last year. I am no sushi pro preparing them, but they were delicious raw 👩‍🍳 Amaebi

Caught these spot prawns myself in the Puget sound last year. I am no sushi pro preparing them, but they were delicious raw 👩‍🍳 Amaebi

  1. Doesn’t all shellfish need cooked?

    It’s just a fucking question good lord

  2. They’re beautiful. I did the same with some Santa Barbara spot prawns last year. I bought mine from a fisherman—super cool you caught these on your own.

  3. Spot prawns are amazing! Wish I didn’t have to drive 4 hours north to catch them. Us poor folk down south will have to stick with everything else but the spots. But damn they are good.

  4. Hello fellow NW person! We go spot prawning every year as well in Hood Canal. I will definitely be doing this!

  5. Is “spot prawns” the English name for Amaebi? TIL!

    Any idea why? Are they naturally spotted, like leopards?

  6. I have no problem eating these raw straight from the ocean. They’re soo good and the dog really likes traw ones too.

  7. I missed last year and probably this year. I love them raw basically still alive.

  8. I’m just north of you in Vancouver and we do this during spot prawn season, delicious! My wife prepares it though because I’m a wimp.

  9. I’ve been a sushi chef for 10 years and I’d be proud to serve these. Amazing job! Those looks incredible.

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