Who would eat this in Japan?

Who would eat this in Japan?

  1. I’m not in Japan but I’d eat it. A lot of times the best parts are next to the bone and it’s kinda fun to pick it apart. Plus I’d eat the cheek meat from the head and the prize of the whole thing is the eye. You pick out the white ball and eat the rest. So good!

  2. Well I assume by your name you are Japanese and perhaps English is your second language?

    Usually when you say “who would eat this”, it’s kinda taken as an insult of the food.

    “Who would eat this?!”

    The implication being the food is so terrible the speaker can not think of anyone who would eat the food.

  3. Totally. It’s just fish….staring at you with its dead eyes 😆 but I love fish so. I’m also that parent that when camping I tease my kids with the fish heads ugh haha

  4. Im Japanese.

    and I can guess most of forginer dislike fish head on the dish.

    in Japan , especially for sashimi, some fish head and bone are decorated on the dish.

    thats decorative and meaning fleash fish.

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