when you order Jay White from Wish.com

when you order Jay White from Wish.com

  1. What’s with the Finlay hate? Let’s give the guy some time before judging him.

  2. To be fair, when Jay White re-debuted it took him a a little to ditch the “Kenny Omega Lite” label, maybe Finlay will do the same.

  3. I guess we’ll never learn not to judge a book by its cover. Upon Jay White’s arrival, he was met with scrutiny. Especially from being in the shadow of Kenny Omega. Now four years later and he’s considered one of the best heels of all time.

    Give David Finlay a shot. Especially considering what a great G1 performance he had last year.

  4. Totally different wrestlers and characters. Finlay has shown high potential for a long time, it’s the right time to try and cash that in and see if he can make the jump.

    The fucking idiots that have been bitching and moaning online for the last week don’t have a clue what they’re talking about when it comes to NJPW, this is what they do, it’s what they’ve done for over a decade.

  5. He’s better then people think. I remember when White was in his position a few years ago. The amount of shit he got.

  6. only in his entrance really. once the match starts and he flips his hair over and the white hair dye is more visible this comparison doesnt really hold imo. and besides that hes a great wrestler in his own right, the hate hes gotten over the BC turn is totally unreasonable imo

  7. I’m a big Jay White fan but Finaly is about 100 times more intimidating looking than him with this look. It was a big relief that Finaly just straight up beat Ishii clean without any interference, I was afraid they would try to copy the Jay/Gedo dynamic.

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