Job-hunting while studying in language school

Hello. I’m getting my bachelor’s degree (Japanese translation and linguistics) this summer and planning to apply for a 1 year language course in a Japanese language school with potential job-seeking. Have anyone done something like that in this thread?

My background: last summer, following MEXT program restrictions, I had to return to my homeland after 1 year internship in Fukui University. I speak decent Japanese and plan to take the JLPT N1 exam this summer or winter, therefore I expect to have plenty of free time to find a baito and start job-hunting even if I enroll to an advanced Japanese course.

I’ve heard that some people, specifically from my country, do use this route to get into Japan and find a job, since it’s reportedly much easier for Japanese employers to hire foreigners who are already in the country, rather than spending resources on unreliable candidates overseas. My main concern here is my major in Japanese translation, which is practically useless since I will most likely not use my mother tongue. At the same time, I’m OK with working at low-paid jobs as long as they can get me a working visa for the first several years until I settle down in Japan.

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