

Konnichi, right? But why is the ending は? would it not be わ??? because は is ha? I’m learning it on Duolingo and I don’t understand.

  1. は is also read as wa when uses as participle to specifics the subject of sentence.
    こんにち in kanji is 今日 mean today and add は to add as a question for How’re you today?

  2. は is a particle, it denotes the subject of a sentence. When it’s used as a particle, it changes pronunciation from Ha to Wa.

    Konnichi is another way of saying Kyou, or today. (今日: 今 = Kon, 日 = nichi, altogether 今日 is pronounced as kyou)

    So really konnichiwa is “today is…” in literal terms.

  3. It’s because in origin of word こんにちは
    こんにちhas a meaning of day and はis a particle. Particles are sometimes pronounced differently (へ、は) than normal, you can look it up on the internet.
    Same thing happens with こんばんは.
    Also common mistake people make is writing it as こんいちは(kon’ichiwa) or こにちは(konichiwa) while there is both んand にsound. Romanized んsometimes looks like n’, in words like this.

  4. My dude. You will figure out why very quickly. The answer is one of the first things you learn about Japanese grammar.

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