Chiba beaches and jellyfish

I just recently moved to Chiba this past September. I’ve been living in Gunma for the last 14 years and I was really excited to be able to live close to the sea.

I live on the west coast of the peninsula, and all of the beaches around here are absolutely covered in beached jellyfish. You can’t swim in the water, you can’t enjoy a walk on the beach, it’s pretty terrible.

I understand that there’s a belief that jellyfish season begins after Obon, but it seems to be happening way earlier than that.

Here are a few pics:

For anyone that has experience with this, what’s the deal with the jellyfish? What’s a great beach in Chiba that you can recommend for swimming / relaxation?

Thanks a lot! Hope everyone is having a great week!

  1. Climate change brother. It’s messing up seasonal stuff.

    I’ve visited a few beaches in Chiba and they were all covered in trash. I’ve heard of you go south to the Boso, the beaches are full of Yaks. Tattoos as far as the eye can see apparently.

  2. I think overfishing has led to not enough baby jellyfish being eaten causing an explosion in their population. I read stories of fishermen’s nets being clogged with jellyfish.

  3. Where have you been going? I’ve been in the ocean all weekend every weekend for the last 2-3 months and haven’t run into any jellyfish yet, mostly around Kujukuri and Ichinomiya.

  4. I found Onjuku to be clean and beautiful, with lots of facilities and surfboard rental places.

  5. >there’s a belief that jellyfish season begins after Obon

    According to my Japanese biologist co-worker who has dived and surfed all around Japan in all seasons, that’s urban legend.

  6. It’s pretty crazy in Shonan too – usually find at least one on the beach around Zushi/Hayama/Enoshima but last week found a dozen both on the sand and in the water. Apparently this year is far worse than usual…

  7. Not in Chiba but here in Tottori the jellyfish are way too early this year.

    I surf/swim several times a week and I already need to use long sleeves.

    I’ve been here for 15 years and I feel every year it gets worse, but this year is crazy.

    Was bitten on Sunday and this is how my arm looks now:

    [Jellyfish Bite](

  8. Just saw one of these in Kanagawa almost shat myself went right past my ankle way up near beach. Local asked me “what color was it? Clear? Oh those are alright”

    just watch out for the blue or even red ones apparently

  9. I assume it’s the same as Australia, and the jellyfish just like the warm water. Judging by how people are actually in the water in summer here, I guess they’re not that venomous though.

  10. Next is stingray season (usually around September) when the jellyfish calm down.

    Stepping on a stingray and getting stung is NOT fun.

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