Somebody vandalized my new bicycle. How do I describe to the police?

I can’t post a picture but just got a bicycle a few days ago. Put it in the communal parking spot with sticker and all.

I go to turn on the battery today and someone cut the wire from the control panel! How would I word this to police ?

I understand they can’t do anything and already talked to my apartment. They can’t help either and I’m so pissed I’m already to knock someone out.

  1. Your “fire” insurance probably covers this. Don’t really see the reason to bother with the police unless you think it’s someone who will do it again.

  2. Police won’t do anything.

    My bike was stolen back in 2015, and when I reported at Koban they didn’t seem to bother much. They just asked what it looked like, made me sign a paper and put my fingerprint on the paper…

  3. If your Japanese is that inept, just point and use a translation app when you see them in person. They’ll get the idea.

  4. This is a crime. It looks like Penal Code Article 261 covers damage to property, with up to 3 years in the cubes, or up to 300,000JPY fine.

    Did you file a crime report at the police station?

    Plod at the koban probably won’t help, not even if you offer to let him take down your particulars.

    Today it’s your battery, tomorrow the fucking maniac could have fucked with your brakes, or shat on your saddle.

  5. I’ve experienced something similar, I think some shit head has “claimed” the space where you park your bicycle. Yes, they have no right to “claim” a space in a communal space. My bicycle was punctured multiple times until I moved it somewhere else.

    Put a warning paper on your bicycle “カメラを設置すると管理会社に依頼をだしました。電源を切ったやつを警察に通報”.

  6. Any cameras in, or near, the communal parking area you can access during the time the incident might have occurred?

    Is the communal parking area accessible from outside, or only from inside the building? If it’s inside, more than likely it’s one of your neighbors who decided your new bike took their (not assigned) space and got pissed and petty about it.

    If it outside, could also be someone pissed that they thought you took their unauthorized bike parking space. Believe it or not, there are a lot of cases of non-residents parking in some building’s communal bike parking lot and using it as their own. Especially when it’s easy to access from outside.

  7. Someone tied ropes all over my friend’s bicycle once. Another time all the bikes at my apartment complex had our tires slashed. I assume there are just some people here that get off on that like people keying Teslas for some reason.

  8. Question:

    Do you take the battery home when you come in? Battery theft on electric bikes is a huge problem.

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