Hello all.
I purchased something on Yahoo Auction for the first time and paid through konbini. Next day, the seller then said, “oh we actually don’t have it anymore, it was mistakenly posted” or something. I know it’s COD so they haven’t received any money. The seller asked to receive my bank info to offer refund.
My question is: how does the bank refund work? I don’t have a Japanese bank (short term exchange student). Does my US bank info work? They asked for my bank, name of branch, account number.
These may all be dumb questions, but I hope someone can answer dumb me.
You are very, very likely to need Japanese bank to receive refund. Even if it’s Yahoo Kantan Kessai, for conbini payment, it refunds to your registered Japanese Bank Account.
You need Japanese bank account.
No way they would deposit money into a bank account in another country, not to mention that they would have to pay a hefty fee of around 3000yen or more to do such kind of deposit.
Have you tried asking if they can receive via PayPal?
Why don’t you tell them that you don’t have a Japanese bank account and ask them to send you cash via “[現金書留](https://www.post.japanpost.jp/service/fuka_service/kakitome/index_en.html)”?
I’ll try that! Thank you!