Anyone else excited to finally see faces again?!

Only a few days now before mask mandates are lifted. Honestly, I’m not all that sure how many people here will actually stop wearing masks, but I am pretty excited to stop myself.

More than that, I’m excited to finally see other people’s faces again. I started a new job during the pandemic and still haven’t seen the faces of some people I work with!

  1. I did a quick whip around work and the general consensus is that people will just continue to wear masks.

  2. I just really hope my company will absolve us from wearing masks. I’m already struggling a bit now; once summer temperatures hit… ugh.

  3. I also have not seen some of the faces I’ve been working with these past three years. I expect I won’t.

  4. > Only a few days now before mask mandates

    There never was a _mandate_, as the government has never had the constitutional authority to require the wearing of masks. It’s only ever been very strongly urged.

  5. The only people who will stop wearing masks are the ones you don’t want to see the faces of….like oyajis. It’s hay fever season, expect to see lots of masks. It’ll taper off in the summer when it gets too hot and women who are afraid to get mask tanlines.

    But to answer your question. No. Not particularly excited to see peoples faces. Like, who cares?

  6. I’m just hoping I can exercise/lift weights without having a mask throttle my breath. Honestly beyond that I don’t care much.

  7. lol

    Do you really expect people to suddenly take off their masks???? Sure, a few will take off, but the majority will still wear them lol.

  8. My gym is making masks optional from Monday after 3 years of everyone wearing masks. Let’s see if people take off their masks right away.

  9. I’m right there with you. I am very doubtful things will change but I still dare to hope. At the very least I’m sure I will start to see some faces out and about. Really would like to see some of the silly shit like people masking in cars and outside reduced as much as possible.
    But you know… the theater must go on.

  10. My gym stopped asking for it from 1 March and I took that as my date to stop altogether. Feel self conscious for a day or so then quickly forget that it even was a thing.

    Outside it’s still leaning towards masks but in the gym it’s 99% without and they took down all the signs about masks and being quiet etc.

  11. My part time job makes it optional, but they still recommend wearing masks. So, I think nothing will change.

  12. I am ready to find out that my crushes who I had only seen wearing masks are actually not that attractive.

  13. Hmmm. I have to admit that I am not comfortable with people gawking at my face with curiosity as soon as I take off my mask.

  14. It will be quite some time before I stop wearing a mask. Maybe at the height of the summer heat and humidity…

  15. I’m not sure I’d say excited but kind of. Slowly…very slowly…people at work and are starting to ease up a bit with masking. And at my son’s one school they don’t do masks anymore as a policy.

  16. I don’t expect most people to stop wearing masks indoors until it gets unbearably hot. I expect outside more and more people will stop wearing masks, or like me, wear it under my chin so I’m ready to slide it on when I get on the train or in a store.

    Most people I have talked to about this actually like wearing masks to protect from general illness, to avoid having to wear so much make up, because they like to hide their face in the first place, to block out other peoples odors, and of course these days to try to alleviate allergies.

  17. My gym stopped requiring masks from the first of the month. It’s literally been a breath of fresh air to be able to go without one.

  18. Yes. I went to the park today and a lot of people were there with no masks (usually before now even at parks here people are masked up, me inclided) and it was so nice to see people having fun and smiling and not to have to feel like I had to suddenly pull up/put on my mask if I approached them or whatever.

    I still plan to wear mine on like crowded trains and such (because who wants to directly breathe in a stranger’s breath 5cm from their face anyway?) but I think I’ll mostly try taking mine off otherwise although I feel a bit nervous and shy about being so “naked” again.

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