A bit lost on how to deal with 個別資格外活動許可

Hello everyone, first time posting here.

I recently moved from Shanghai to Tokyo so I was looking forward to having normal Internet and being able to stream on Twitch.

I made it to affiliate and now I am realizing… this is probably considered a second job and is not covered by my visa (Twitch forces you to submit tax information). My current visa is Engineer/Specialist in humanities/International services.

I don’t have any problem declaring revenue and paying taxes, I just don’t know how to do all this legitimately. I found an agency that claim I need to fill a 個別資格外活動許可 request, but they want to charge 100,000JPY to help which is more than I think I will make on twitch in the next 3 years…

I saw a few threads on reddit concerning this but no conclusive information. Does anyone have advice, information, or can refer me to someone who can help for a more reasonable price?



edit: added visa type

  1. The folks at /r/JapanFinance are much more specialized in this kind of matter. You’d probably get much more accurate answer there.

  2. You can fill out the paper yourself and take it to immigration. It is not complicated. Nobody pays for that.

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