Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (March 10, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Hi, can somebody explain to me what (ya tsu ra) means? I am a beginner with only 40 days studying and I can’t find what this word means because the search results get polluted by the anime Urusei Yatsura. Can someone please help? Thanks.

  2. Was wondering about this line from the script I’m reading [here](https://nayukaaaaa.nomaki.jp/wp/dq4/dq31.html)

    > 我が女王様に恐いものなどありませぬ。魔王と言えどもその美しさの前に膝ま突くでしょう……。

    I think it says “Our queen has nothing to fear. Even the Demon King who is spoken of will (something) the beautiful one.”

    what would 膝ま突くでしょう

    Poke her knees? Seems weird. And what’s ま doing there?

  3. So, I’ve recently advanced in my Duolingo class and they’ve added a new Grammer rule that they haven’t really explained at all (because it’s Duolingo), and I’m starting to get used to it, but I’d like to know *why* I’m using it:


    My question is, what is the purpose of adding the の to 読む? Why do I have to add this?

  4. I was wondering about this sentence from the script I’ve been reading ([link](https://nayukaaaaa.nomaki.jp/wp/dq4/dq32.html))

    > 胡椒の一粒は黄金の一粒。あんな値段の高いものはおいてませんよ。

    What I’m wondering is, what does “おいてませんよ” do here?

    I think the first sentence is “A grain of pepper is a grain of gold”

    The second is “That high price is [put?]”. I can’t figure out if it’s 置く or what

  5. 学歴といい年収といい、申し分ない条件よ。お見合いしてみない。

    So I saw this question and was wondering why is the end てみない? Why is negative, isn’t it suppose to be positive ending?

  6. 近所で火事があり、なかなか鎮火できずに**いたが**、幸いにして延焼は免れた

    Hello, I’m abit confused why there is an いた here… does it just mean he couldn’t extinguish the fire in the past?

  7. たとえ健康のため(    )、私の唯一の楽しみのたばこをとりあげるとは!

    Hello again, I was wondering why ではあれ is the right answer compared to であり

  8. お金があまりないんですが、たくさん買ってしまいました。

    んですが is never explained by genki 2 and yet it just throws it randomly into the practice questions. I check japanese ammo and they said it acts like an “and” in this situation, is that correct?

  9. I know this was answered yesterday but I can’t seem to let it go lol. Is there really no daily conversational verb for specifying something in the process of changing other than using the 〜てきている conjugation?? Like the ones I hear more like 変わってきた and 変わっている basically only refer to something after it’s finished changing??

  10. 魚料理

    Jisho has this as ぎょ while another dictionary has it as さかな . I’m assuming さかな would be the more usual pronunciation / reading?

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