How much to remember from Kodansha KLC

I’m really confused how people are using Kodansha’s KLC. I’m not sure if i’m doing it optimally, and it feels tedious to compared to what I’ve been doing before, I’ll explain a bit more in 2 paragraphs.

For each Kanji do people really remember the meaning(s) and all readings and the readings in each didactic vocab (+their meaning)?

For context on what I’ve done, I’ve only really done vocab reps on Anki for learning Kanji and words. I initially did 15-20 cards per day of recognition+reading+(writing) and after a bit I dropped recall/writing because I realised that I just wanted to study written text. I was not very far through the deck. That’s why when I got to KKLC and all vocab+readings of words I was wondering “How many words per day can people whilst remembering so many readings..” since it feels tedious due to me.

My goal is to understand written text, so I’ve been thinking would it just be better to remember kanji meanings+vocab and ignore readings? But if that’s the case, would be better to just go back to Anki vocab decks? At this point I’m not sure how I should be studying.

1 comment
  1. Dont learn readings alone learn vocabulary, every kanji has like 3 important readings (the rest appears in like few words), so learn three words with those readings and you will know them and vocabulary along.

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