Good resources for learning grammar?

I’ve been studying Japanese on my own for a while now, and have gotten reading hiragana and katakana down as well lots of other small things, but I know the major hill to climb over will be grammar. I’m wondering what resources those of you who self-studied used to teach yourselves Japanese grammar? I have the genki 1 textbook but other than that only internet resources. I’ve looked into going to classes as I know they’re the most helpful but unfortunately I would have to travel quite a distance which just isn’t possible for me. Any tips?

  1. continue with genki, try tae kim, and for the heavily linguistically inclined, [](

    there’s a lot of resources in the starter’s guide in the sidebar

  2. So you already have Genki?

    If you focus on studying Genki I and then go through Genki II that will give you a pretty good foundation.

    After that if you want textbooks you can do quartet or maybe tobira or you can get “A dictionary of Japanese Grammar” if you want something in less of a textbook format.

    If you don’t want a textbook or book at that point, you just read native works. If you see some grammar you don’t recognize, google it. If it’s so confusing you don’t even know how to google it, post on the daily thread.

    A lot of people (not me though) use bunpro for grammar and I tried it and it seems good too.

  3. Genki 1 + 2 since you already have Genki 1. Then perhaps Tobira to work on your reading comprehension or any equivalent ~N3 level textbook.

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