What was this announcement in Tokyo just now?

Tadaimo-kara… and the rest I could not make out.

Started at 9:30am sharp.

  1. Likely specific to your ku or sub-district area. There are rarely – if ever – announcements that span the entire city.

  2. Probably not for Tokyo in its entirety, more likely just your ward. And most of the time you can disregard them. It’s seniors missing from their care homes, special events, vaccination info during the height of the pandy, etc.

    If you’re freaked out about it, turn on NHK. If there is something out of the ordinary on the screen, there might be a real problem somewhere. If no, move on.

    Edit: tomorrow is 3/11 too, might’ve been an announcement about that.

  3. I plugged March 10th into Google and I see that that’s the date when locals remember and protest the firebombing of Tokyo, but… somehow I doubt that that’s it?

  4. I always find these PA systems hilarious. They sometimes use the speakers in my little inaka town to make some announcement, but the echo and the audibility of speakers further away make it virtually impossible to make out what the hell they’re saying.

    *announcement jingle *

    “Unintelligible mess”

    *end jingle *

    Me: Wat…?

  5. We got an emergency alert drill sent to our phones here in Kyoto at 9:30am, probably several drills being done today across the country

  6. For my ward there is a Twitter feed for any announcement they make on the loud speaker. I think in Setagaya at 9:30 there was a disaster prevention drill which was also on the Setgaya Crisis Management Twitter feed.

  7. Tadaima kara means from now. Whatever happened from that point remains a complete mystery because of a lack of information.

  8. Is that a disaster prevention radio? If so, I think it is just a test to check if the radio is working properly or an announcement of an evacuation drill.

  9. I wonder if it’s ahead of March 11th anniversary? My ku also did an earthquake drill announcement about an hour ago which is not very often 🤔

  10. Typically the ward will post the same message on their official Twitter at the time of the announcement. You can go and read it there.

  11. Probably an emergency alert test/drill. I also got one this morning in Kansai. Tomorrow is 3/11 so a lot of local government agencies are going to be promoting disaster preparedness this month.

  12. Finally dropping the masks and telling you it’s really North Korea, and all your liberties will be now taken away. Oh wait… they have been already. Never mind lol

  13. In many cases, the local government will post the announcement on their Twitter page too.

    I can’t understand the fucking speakers either.

  14. I hear these too in my town and never understand them but my kids understand it and say they’re looking for some lost elderly. Then they’ll actually get back on there to announce they found them.
    My point is these should be also posted on the city website in case anyone wants to read/see it again, but don’t even know which tree to bark that up..

  15. Disaster drill I think. We had one to our phones in Kyoto this morning. Probably due to the date as others have said.

  16. On weekends on Okinawa they speak in their own dialect. My wife who is Japanese hasn’t a clue what they’re saying.

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