‘Sushi terrorist’ and 2 accomplices arrested in Japan after viral prank

‘Sushi terrorist’ and 2 accomplices arrested in Japan after viral prank


  1. “malicious licking”

    Asked my girlfriend what this was and she almost broke my hand trying to demonstrate.

  2. On one hand I do think it is insane how much news this is getting.

    However, on the other hand I really do think it should be dealt this way to stop any future dumb pranks happen.

    The whole “This is why we cant have nice things” argument only occurs when people realise there are no serious consequences to their actions.

    The whole “its just a prank” phase does not need to come over here. Same as those IRL streamers like that guy playing loud music on the train and people getting pissed at him. These people need to be shutdown as soon as they start.

  3. Pranskter should be punished in a way that they would stop and think before doing pranks again. These pransketrs on tiktok and youtube are the dumbest people in the Milkyway Galaxy.

  4. On the one hand I am glad to hear they are caught and will be punished.

    On the other hand, this news gives them more media exposure on top of what they already got.

    We can’t have nice things NOT because of idiots like these. We can’t have nice things because other idiots over-react to rather trivial things like these.

    I got Covid just living my normal life. So did loads of you. Who got hepatitis from these idiots? Nobody. But plenty have from restaurant servers through the years.

    Most of you out there need to touch some grass. (Hint…it will require getting away from your keyboards).

  5. This isn’t even a prank. There was a similar thing awhile back of people licking ice cream tubs and putting them back in the fridge in America and guess what- one of the guys that did it faced a month of jail time + fines

  6. Viral this, viral that. Fuck all of them. I hope the fees and/or jail time destroys this trend.

  7. Inb4 Japan takes a non-problem affecting very few people and institutes anti-measures that makes problems for everyone for decades to come.

  8. As someone actively living in Japan, the amount of news coverage this gets is insane. Good because it’ll deter it from happening again, but if this happened in a place like America we would never hear about it.

  9. >The viral videos from early February showed one of them — 21-year-old Yoshino Ryoga, dubbed a “sushi terrorist” by the Japanese public and media — putting his saliva on utensils and sushi and licking the spout of soy sauce bottles at a **Kura Sushi** restaurant in Nagoya City.
    >**Akindo Sushiro**, the company that runs the restaurant where Ryoga struck, says it has replaced its soy sauce bottles, sanitized its cups and moved its utensils and tableware to a single point.

    Well which is it? I looked it up and they are completely separate companies.

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