was this the most stacked g1 block ever?

was this the most stacked g1 block ever?

  1. Yujiro being in the g1 will never not be funny to me. Like i get his purpose but was there really no one else on the roster to fill in for him. Best part about him is when Pieter shows up

  2. This one and the Kenny/Ibushi B Block G1.

    I can’t remember all the names off the top of my head. But holy moly that was a great block year

  3. G1 Climax 28 B block was the most stacked block since every match-day for B block you had a guaranteed banger, especially with Yano Toru.

  4. 2018 B Block.. Omega, Ibushi, Naito, ZSJ, Ishii, Sanada, Juice, Goto, Yano, Tama Tonga

  5. Any other card and Ibushi/Ishii would be the main event, that’s how crazy stacked this block was.

  6. Block B in my New Japan in 1995 save in TEW /s

    Bret Hart, Misawa, Chono, Barry Windham, Mr Perfect, Booker T, Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, William Regal, Bam Bam Bigelow

  7. Absolutely best group, Yujiro isn’t lacked at all and there’s no bc bs and other low carder

  8. The most silent, if I remember correctly. 2020 / ’21 only AEW has been watchable. I will never forget how much joy & energy they brought into my life at the time.

    Regarding NJPW, almost every major event between 2013 – 2019 has been a blast. Especially around 2017 / 2018 the wrestling world peaked so far.

  9. Ospreay is a beast love watching his matches reminds me of the old attitude era violence

  10. In theory, this should’ve been, but somehow, they messed most of them up, the matches that should have banged didn’t, like most of Jay’s and Ibushi’s matches, Takagi showed everyone how unbelievably amazing he was though.

  11. This looks exactly like it would in 2021. Is EVIL in B-Block? That’s the only notable absence i see here

  12. On paper yes, but Okada had a really underwhelming tournament that brought the whole thing down, and Ospreay was still figuring out his eventual heel character. G1 2018 B block is still the best ever.

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