Weekly Complaint Thread – 14 July 2022

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. Upcoming vacation then last day i still have to stay late for a no point meeting, feelsbadman

  2. Since I rarely go out anymore due to a combination of kids and avoiding rona I always forget just how slow Rakuten Mobile is until I do go out….

  3. Co-worker acting like my boss again giving out orders, so I finally politely told them to back the eff off. Same coworker was in charge of closing a client deal, but because they took so long to actually communicate the details with the client, the latter decided to go with a different provider. Sucks that I have to work with this person for the next couple of months.

    On a side note, happy to see the # of complaints this week.

  4. Another complaint, I realised there’s a 3-day weekend way too late so I’m left with no holiday trip this weekend. 🙁

  5. I have a few built up that are kinda connected.

    Dropped from 67 kg to 57kg. That’s a big deal for me. My fiancé was less positive about the loss of boobs -_- can you not celebrate my extended lifespan and better shape?

    I’ve had nightmares the past few nights so I kept waking up and feel like shit.

    Instead of hiring either of the actually-experienced teachers I suggested, or any of the other applicants, my boss has hired someone with no experience whatsoever so they can’t help with any of the work that needs help.

    I keep having clashes with my boss because “the way of doing things” keeps changing and I can’t keep up. I want to leave for the UK but my fiance wants me to stay and “wait til the end of my contract”, September 2023. I can’t take it 🙁

    I forgot for an entire year to pay for my cats microchip and the stamp paper I had to bring to the post office is now expired so I have to get a new one from the vet.

    I’m tired, and I really really need a hug, but my fiance won’t be back from deployment for some months yet. My family who usually call most days to hang out are in the UK so the time zone difference is making me very lonely.

    I stepped in a puddle and my left sock is wet.

  6. Recently I’ve been experiencing terrible dizziness, both while sleeping and when getting up from sleep; it’s as if gravity is suddenly pulling me off to the side instead of downward.

    Anyone else have this happen? It seems to coincide with sleep deprivation — I now have to get up at 5:40 AM on Monday and am never really fully rested again until Saturday morning — but maybe it has some other cause. Any recommendations? It’s really scary as it’s happening.

  7. I dedicated my Complain for

    •that noisy fukuro obachan who keeps nagging plastic bags and wrappings on train.
    •the recent news headlines saying “gaijin tourists are coming! How can we keep rona numbers low then?” As if gaijins are super spreader.
    •dickhead-friends and relatives who keep saying my life in japan is supposed to be (or seems) good, free of crime, rich, all-convenient, and when they talk to me it’s either asking about japan, asking errand to buy sth in japan, or to send money because my salary is supposed to ne higher than any of them. Not acknowledging that I dont have any income right now due to depression.
    •and to another dickhead followers of my IG who never talk to me for years but out of nowhere DM me either about “oh how come there is a shooting in such safe paradise like Japan” or “I’m going to japan soon could you tell me best tourist spots/could you guide me when i come???”

  8. Can i just buy a Costco Gift Certificate so I can buy and shop inside? I just want to shop 1 time only since the nearest Costco is 3 hours travelling so getting a membership card is so costly for me

  9. Crane trucks that think the best time to move and drive up a long steep ass hill is during rush hour. They’re barely moving up the damn hill and slowing down all the traffic. They need to move those damn things at night when there’s no traffic

  10. Just got wrecked by the new Yuucho Debit like all the other gaijins, and it should have been no more than a formality to switch from Mijica. Good news is the Sony application seems to have went well, but until I uncouple my salary from the Yuucho account my life will become a two-step nightmare of pulling money from one account to feed the one that can actually fking debit GODDAMNIT IT’S MY MONEY IT’S RIGHT THERE WHYYY

  11. 住民税 bills finally arrived. Sigh

    I managed to get a 全額免除 for nenkin for the time I was unemployed, so is it also possible for residence tax? They’re not that expensive, but still heavy as I’m not getting my first salary for a while. Going to city hall tomorrow to check

  12. My wife has been coughing a lot recently. Not cover her mouth with her arm or hand or anything. I ask her to cover her mouth (you know, like a respectable person would). Then she gets pissed off at me for that saying it’s too difficult and other BS. Ok, so wear a mask than so you don’t have to do anything. She puts on a mask and not even 5-10 minutes later she’s walking around with the mask around her chin coughing all over the house. Just a couple minutes ago, she was sitting at out child’s eating table video chatting with a friend and coughing all over out child’s table

  13. I had to fly to America. I went on Southwest and was greeted with some of the worst of the US. Just absolutely rude people, not wearing masks in a plane, and just overall made me remember why I hadn’t been back for a decade.

  14. The dehumidifier box in the shoe box somehow broke and spilled water everywhere. Except it’s not just water. It’s slick like baby oil and it doesn’t wipe off easily. Oh, and the shelves in the shoe box cannot be removed without unscrewing the doors, which is an even bigger pain in the ass.

  15. People are still driving half in my lane. Driving 20km per hour followed by completely ignoring the red lights

  16. had a busy tiring Monday .. rushed to my dentist. and he was an absolute prick… filling came out when I ate some hard candy.. he looked at it for 10 seconds and said we’ll have to prepare you for a root canal.. no x-ray .. no pain.. I said ‘no. I don’t want a root canal’ he got angry and said ‘then I can’t give you any treatment’. every time he does a filling he talks about doing a root canal .. almost sadistic.. last year he did one and it was the most painful experience of my. life.. he said my roots are twice as long as the normal person… then I asked him can you check it first and what percentage do you think you can fix without a root canal.. He got angrier.. said he couldn’t say but maybe another dentist could… He seemed tired and in a bad mood.. but really a 10 second diagnosis…
    made an appointment with a different dentist..

  17. my bike’s speedo just stops working and drops to the top speed of 140km/h if I cross 120km/h. Not that I frequently ride at 120, but I do want to throttle up every now and then, sucks that I can`t enjoy my motorcycle`s full power.

    I could probably get it fixed, but I`m a bit loathe to spend more money on it at this point.

  18. Older Japanese men have weird unpleasant body odour and smelly breath, I wish they keep away from me on the trains :/

    I don’t like generalising usually but my morning commutes are almost always ruined by some Tanaka san smelling like he’s never heard of deodorant or mouthwash

  19. Okay this is a weird complaint.

    One thing I really hate is when you’re sitting on the train and a Manager and his Kohai sit down next to you with the Kohai sitting directly to your left or right.

    The manager talks his face off (and is also probably saying nothing) and the Kohai is sitting there agreeing with him saying “Hai. Hai. Hai. Haaaai. Hai”

    And while doing this the Kohai is doing that lighting fast quick mini forward bows that they do when trying to pretend that they are interested in what their manager is saying for the WHOLE RIDE!

    But the problem is that you are touching shoulders with the Kohai and those quick forward bowing movements rub up against your arm and you feel nauseous on a swaying train and it also prevents you from sleeping.

    That is literally like nudging the stranger sitting next to you on the train with your elbow the whole ride when taking a train in the States. The person sitting next to you would tell you to “cut it out” right?

  20. New place doesn’t allow construction for internet; they provide their own that is just embedded into each room. My old place had 1000+ down / 1000+ up. I did a speed test here and am getting 10 down / 6 up. I can’t actually do my job efficiently anymore… Not sure what to do.

    Edit: After some research, I came across WiMAX+5G. I think this is what is referred to as a ホームルーター and it provides internet limited to WiFi. Does anyone have experience with this? Basically, I need the fastest internet available to me at home and I guess it cannot involve construction.

  21. i am so sick of moving from job to job, just because Japan doesn’t want a foreigner to have any sort of goddamn stability and exploit the hell out of them… yet the US situation is even worse soooooo

  22. Security guard speaking Japanese in a very friendly tone: “Excuse me, sorry, I’m afraid you can’t use a tripod here! Feel free to hold your camera, but please don’t set up a tripod, thanks.”

    Minutes later…

    Random dishevelled, wide-eyed escalator cleaner in English: “NO! CAMERA NO!”

    I’ve gotta improve my Japanese to the point where I can explain to the second guy why he’s a fucking idiot… so I guess I’m complaining about rude busybodies overstepping their boundaries, as well as my brutal speaking ability. “Just spend time studying mOoOrE~” Ok, just give me an extra 8 hours in a day and the energy to actually use them, thanks.

  23. Took barium for the first time. Didn’t taste bad (was expecting way worse) but the powder that expands your stomach is making me feel extremely sick.

    My 上司 tested positive for corona and we had multiple meetings every day this week. Although I have a mask on all the time except when I eat, I hope I’m okay. I dodged corona for forever. I really hope I don’t get it. UGH.

  24. We got stuck with neighborhood association duty this year and one of the neighbors is just so consistently rude. Today she came by to complain about not getting her newsletter (she definitely did) and every time she talks to me she intercepts herself every five words to demand “wakarimasuka?” I speak Japanese just fine and have told her to knock it off before. I wish I were someone better at letting that kind of obnoxious behavior roll off.

  25. My anxiety towards hospitals and clinics I’m pretty sure is starting to catch up to me….my illness I’ve left untreated bc “there’s no symptoms so I must be fine” is gradually becoming “okay there’s some possible symptoms, but it could also just be anything.” God I wish I could just suck it up and go and get it checked out, but I also am absolutely paranoid of being told “oh the doctor for that isn’t in today” or something, and I go home to never go back for another 5 years. Also have no idea where to start the conversation? Like I’d feel like I need to start with getting a diagnosis here, unless my medical records (from when i was a wee child) in English would suffice?

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