Experience with recruiters/agencies

I applied on a 転職site a few months ago. Right now, almost every week I will got 2~3 messages from recruiters or agencies.
Just want to ask if anyone has experienced working with them to change jobs.
How does this work? How much do their services cost?
Just asking some very basic questions cuz this is the first time I ever met situations like these.

  1. > How does this work?

    Ideally you tell them your requirements, they find you positions that match those requirements, you decide if you want to proceed then they help you to arrange with the potential employer. In practice though, most of the time they use the shotgun approach and try to pitch whatever positions they have to you.

    > if anyone has experienced working with them to change jobs

    I did receive some offers via agencies in the past, but never accept any, as they were never the best one I can get. My experience with inhouse recruiters is much better, as my last few jobs were introduced to me by them.

    > How much do their services cost?

    0 yen. If they try to charge you then most likely that is a scam.

  2. Today, I get a bunch of recruiters that contact me with 12 or 15M/year job postings but they never message me back when I told them I was interested. Pretty sure those are all full of crap.

    In the past, I used a recruiter who successfully got me a job, but the salary was like 4.5M per year starting.

    The company I work at now uses recruiting companies for “filler” positions, or jobs that are very interchangeable and have a high anticipated turnover rate like HR, secretaries, or admin jobs.

  3. “I am sure you receive lots of emails like this…”

    It’s the new fiscal year in Japan, so the recruiters are contacting anyone with an Internet connection or phone to get butts in seats.

    Recruiters are hit or miss (mostly miss) and at the end of the day, it’s all about metrics for them. You might might one or two that genuinely care about your career advancement, but they are very rare.

    Know what you are looking for, what you are worth and do your math before changing jobs.

    NEVER NEVER NEVER pay for a recruiter.

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