Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (March 11, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. 祖父の人生はつらいことばかりで、涙(     )かたれない。

    Why is なしには correct and not ないでは

  2. How do I say ‘A spring song for emily’ in japanese?

    What I’ve come up with is エミリへの春曲

    Is this unnatural? or weird?

  3. Can someone verify whether my understanding of various words related to vacations/days off of work is correct?

    1. 休む/休み refers to a day off of work, whether it’s a holiday or just using sick days/PTO. Is one of these more natural than the other? A) 今日は休みです。B) 今日は休みます。

    2. 休暇を取る is a verb for using sick days/PTO specifically, not something like a federal holiday.

    3. 祝日 is a noun referring to holidays… I think it can be used for holidays that aren’t national holidays, right? Like Valentine’s Day and Mardi Gras would be 祝日, right?

  4. このサブレジットに日本語で問題を書いてもいいの?中級者で練習したいけど、日本語を使ったら時々失礼な答えを受けそうだ。

  5. EDIT: I forgot to link the script this time [(link)](https://nayukaaaaa.nomaki.jp/wp/dq4/dq32.html)

    is it normal to begin letters with 親愛[person’s name]

    I saw this in the script I’m reading, and at first I thought maybe it was some kind of love letter but then I realized that we say “Dear[person’s name]” in English and it’s nothing to do with that.

  6. Why is は used here instead of を after 紙. I think I understand the sentence: the paper isn’t just to be looked at, it has meaning in use.


  7. Peco is a candy connoisseur hanging out at Obaba’s table tennis dojo.

    ペコ: われ思うにオババ。高カカオやら高価なチョコレートがもてはやされる昨今100円の板チョコ**がしっとやる**この醍醐味をみんな忘れとるよね。オババ: そんなこと消費者センターにでも言っておくれよ。

    Does 板チョコがしっとやる mean grasping firmly (??) the chocolate bar? I am wrong for sure. Edit: maybe it means with his teeth (not hands)(?)

  8. Is there a reason why 和訳 of English songs always include あなた when translating you? Wouldn’t it be dropped because it’s understandable in context?

  9. Last night the bartender gave my friend a free shot. Ignoring that there are many other paths to phrase this (“service” etc) would “thanks for giving my friend a shot the other night” be phrased with あげる?くれる?Both?

    I don’t know why あげてくれてありがとう feels awkward to me

  10. この痛快な風刺小説には、漱石の正義感を感じさせるものがあると評判になった。

    1) Why もの rather than こと here?

    2) would 正義感が感じさせられる be wrong here?

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