Good speaking test template (From Florencia Henshaw PHD)

Just thought I would share this. Good simple speaking test template. Easy to use for a variety of situations.

**Grading criteria for final oral interview (created by Dr. Florencia Henshaw)**

**Criterion 1 (worth 4 points): Ability to provide information**

0 = student is unable to respond to most of the questions, even after the instructor has re-phrased.

1 = student struggles to understand and respond to most questions; answers consist primarily of isolated words

2 = student struggles to understand some questions, and only provides some of the requested information in the form of words and sentence fragments

3 = student is able to understand and respond to most of the questions with single sentences or sentence fragments

4 = student is able to understand and properly address all of the questions, with a few simple sentences.

**Criterion 2 (worth 4 points): Comprehensibility**

0 = all utterances are very difficult to understand even by a very sympathetic interlocutor.

1 = most utterances are difficult to understand even by a sympathetic interlocutor.

2 = some utterances are difficult to understand even by a sympathetic interlocutor; instructor has to ask for clarification frequently and the student struggles to clarify.

3 = most utterances are comprehensible to the instructor. When communication breakdowns occur, the student is not always able to rephrase or make themselves understood.

4 = utterances are generally understood by the instructor, despite a few limitations in vocabulary and/or pronunciation. When communication breakdowns occur, the student is able to rephrase or make themselves understood.

**Criterion 3 (worth 2 points): Ability to ask questions**

0 = student is unable to ask any questions

1 = student is able to ask only a few formulaic or yes/no questions

2 = student successfully asks a variety of questions

  1. Thanks for the information. It could be really useful.

    As a side note, it feels weird seeing a thread on this subreddit that isn’t people complaining about the ESL industry or asking about dispatch companies.

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